这是日进志第 392 篇原创文章
邀特别的你同行,记得关注我们哦 Brief illness短暂的疾病And the guitarist for the Irish pop band the Script, Mark Sheehan, has died after a brief illness. He was 46.
Brief 形容时间很短,Brief illness 意思是生病时间很短,或者说疾病来得很突然。这句新闻意思是这位吉他手生了一场病,然后很快就死了。
英文关于疾病,最常见的说法当然是 illness,它可以用来指任何病痛、大病或小病。当然,小病可以说 a small illness,重病可以说 a serious illness,a terminal illness 则是不治之症。
Sickness 意思和 illness 接近,但它还可以指恶心,想呕吐。比如晕船叫 seasickness,晕车叫 carsickness,晕机叫 airsickness,或者统称 travel-sickness 或 moving-sickness。
Turn over every rock掘地三尺The US Defense Secretary Lloyd J. Austin said investigators would turn over every rock in their search for the source of the leak.
很形象的说法,翻开每一个石头找个遍。话说,前有斯诺登,现有 Jack Teixeira,为什么美国的机密都那么容易被一个级别不高的人获取?
Power struggle权力斗争Sudan’s military has carried out air strikes against the paramilitary rapid support forces as a deadly power struggle continues in and around the capital Khartoum for a 2nd night.
苏丹的冲突是最近最头条的新闻之一了。2023 年了,人类还在为派系斗争打得你死我活,不然是独霸天下的美国,还是最穷的国家,都是如此。后之视今,亦犹今之视昔,悲夫!
A block of flats一栋公寓楼Sixteen people have been killed by a fire at a block of flats in Dubai. Among the dead were an Indian couple, 3 Pakistani cousins and 4 Sudanese nationals.
A flat 是一间公寓房,A block of 就是一堆公寓房,这里解一栋的意思。Block 有时候也指一个街区,就是横竖四条路隔出来的一个区域,可以是一栋楼,也可以有多栋楼。
Prisoner swap战俘交换There has been another prisoner swap between Ukraine and Russia. The exchanges were time to mark the Orthodox Easter. Ukraine says it brought home 130 of its soldiers. There has so far been no words from the Russians.
Swap 是交换的意思,跟 Exchange 意思相近,但它多用于口语表达,不及 Exchange 正式。此外,Exchange 可以是相似事物的交换,也可以是一种东西换另一种东西,甚至是一种东西换多种东西。而 Swap 通常只指同类事物的交换。此处 Prisoner Swap 意思其实是战俘交换。